Interface of a virtual tour for a church’s visitors

Chiesa di San Guglielmo in Valle


UI Designer


UX/UI Design


Chiesa di San Guglielmo in Valle



Inside of the Church of San Guglielmo in Valle in San Giacomo Filippo there’s the sanctuary of San Guglielmo. BeWapp asked me to design the graphical interface and interactions of the virtual toru that can help the visitors of the church.

Why a virtual tour?

The virtual tour tells the church’s history and, through the “voice” of the saint, describes the magnificent frescoes preserved inside. Inside the virtual tour there’s also a virtual tour that shows the points of artistic and historical interest through photographic details and texts. The virtual tour is in three languages (Italian, English and German), for an international audience.

Outside the church there’s a sign with a qr-code leading to the tour, so the visitor can virtually visit the monument even when it’s closed.

The prototype

For the project I created an interactive high-fidelity prototype. The prototype is interactive because the buttons and links behave as they would in reality and lead to the desired destination. The prototype is high fidelity because the graphics and interactions correspond 100% to the final product.
The interactive prototype of an application is useful for gathering feedback, making decisions and evaluating opportunities for improvement before the development phase. The interactive prototype, in fact, shows the real flows of operations that are carried out by the user to complete the desidered tasks.

Final thoughts

The projects that concern the artistic heritage of my territory are ones of my fovorites. Each one gives me something. For example, it was thanks to this project that I learn about this small church and its frescoes.