Viola Acciaretti UX & Graphic Designer
At İstanbul


I’m Viola, Italian graphic designer, web designer and UX designer actually based in Buenos Aires

I’ve always been into art and visuals. I studied Visual Art at the Academy of Arts of Bergamo and I graduated with honors in 2016.

I started my career in 2016 at my father’s studio of graphic design. I owe him a lot: not only he taught me how to draw when I was a child, he transmitted to me passion and support. I built a solid base working for multiple agencies and attending the Higher Education Course in User Experience Design at Experience Design Academy of Milano. I’m now a freelancer.

Sensibility, capacity for listening to others, intuition and empathy are my superpowers when I’ve to find creative solutions and design meaningful experiences. I’ve singular abilities to work in a team and to relate with clients. I like to work with method and attention to details, always keeping the user in my mind.

I love the lightness of a day spent walking in the mountains and the darkness of cinemas. I love the roughness of rock music and the sweetness of a homemade cake. I love travelling, drawing, volunteering and learning new things. I’m an introvert and I go crazy for cats 🐱.

Who knows me, says...